Enjoy a Career as a Crossinology® Brain Integration Therapy Technique Practitioner
The Crossinology Brain Integration Therapy Technique is possibly the most powerful program for the correction of specific learning disabilities such as ADD, ADHD and dyslexia.
As a certified practitioner you’ll enjoy the rewards of helping your clients eliminate these learning disabilities. Change their lives forever with a non-invasive, drug-free therapeutic technique proven to work!
Founder of Crossinology, Susan McCrossin’s goal is to have a certified Brain Integration Technique Practitioner in every school district in the nation. Please join her in achieving this mission by becoming a cutting-edge Brain Integration Technique professional!
What’s involved in the Brain Integration Technique Training?
A 10-day learning experience taught twice a year over two weeks, the Brain Integration Technique training reveals the real ‘cause’ of specific learning disabilities and delivers a step-by-step, drug-free approach to their resolution.
Once you have completed the Pre-requisite Kinesiology (Pre-BIT) workshop, you will have the preliminary knowledge needed to grasp the concepts and strategies taught during the 10-day training.
You’ll explore what you need to correct with your clients and the order in which the corrections need to be made. At the conclusion of your Crossinology Training, you will understand and master:
- The brain physiology involved in memory and learning problems.
- A multi-step assessment procedure so you can effectively define the problem areas and estimate the length of treatment for your clients.
- An 80-step correction procedure used to access and assess stress in specific brain functions in your clients.
- How to challenge the completed Brain Integration to see if the brain remains integrated under stress—the key to successful function and learning!
Other Than the Pre-Requisite Kinesiology Training, Are There Other Pre-Requisites for this Program?
Completion of your own Brain Integration with a certified Crossinology Brain Integration Technique practitioner before attending this training to optimize your learning ability.
What Else Do I Need to Obtain My Certification?
Susan McCrossin maintains a high standard of training for certified Crossinology practitioners. In addition to the trainings, to qualify for certification you must meet the following requirements:
- Attend and complete the Brain Integration Technique Training twice. Your attendance at the second training class does not need to be consecutive with the first (and it is offered at half price).
- Complete a minimum of 10 learning difficulty case studies that meet the criteria of the Brain Integration Technique procedure as set forth in the curriculum.
- Demonstrate proficiency in the technique and conduct yourself with integrity.
- Receive approval from Susan McCrossin and the Crossinology Advisory Board.
Upon completion of all of the above, you will receive a certificate acknowledging that you are a certified Crossinology Brain Integration Technique Practitioner. Each approved certified practitioner is then listed on the Crossinology website. (NOTE: Re-certification is required every two years to maintain your certification as well as a listing on the Crossinology website.)
Don’t miss this opportunity to become a practitioner of a drug-free treatment that routinely changes people’s lives forever and gives them the greatest gift of all: the confidence and ability to learn!
When and Where Will the Next Training Be Offered?
Classes are now being offered by Nancy Loedy of Full Spectrum Brain Integration.
Click here for the current course lineup!
What Is the Investment for the Crossinology Brain Integration Technique Training?
$3,850 or $3,650 if a deposit or full payment is received 6 weeks prior to class. Full payment must be received at least one week prior to the start of your class.
Click here for more details on pricing.
Your investment for the second round of Crossinology training will be half the price you paid for your initial round of training.
Your tuition includes the following materials:
- The complete manual – over 250 pages of kinesiology formats and relevant brain anatomy and physiology to access specific brain functions.
- The Brain Integration Technique Test Kit to challenge all relevant visuo-spatial brain functions.
Yes! I Want to Help Others by Becoming a Crossinology Practitioner
Register for the Brain Integration Technique Training Today
To hold your place in the next Brain Integration Technique Training, request more information here.
Have a Question Before Enrolling?
If you have questions about the program before enrolling, please check the FAQ section of this web site. If you don’t find the answer online, please request more information here.