Julissa Byington
Integral Brain Health
Brainpower of Southern Utah
Brain Correct
Larry was an Arizona English and Drama high school teacher. Over a span of two years, Larry had three accidents all causing brain trauma. After one of the accidents, they kept him in the ER for several hours. He couldnÛªt see out of his left eye and his whole left side was numb. During his […]
Rocky Mountain Brain Integration
Trevor is the founder and owner of Rocky Mountain Brain Integration. Trevor graduated from Weber State University with his degree in Child and Family Studies and Psychology. Trevor has earned his Certified Family Life Educator (CFLE) certificate from the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR). Trevor has earned his Crossinology Brain Integration Certificate from the […]
Mickey Edlefsen
I hated to read, because I couldn’t read very well. I mixed up letters in the words. I remember being selected to stand in front of my fourth grade class and read out loud ,. I couldn’t do it. The kids were laughing. I began to cry. The memory of my struggles in school are […]