Kelli Ferrier BA
Muscle ReActivation
Starlight Brain Integration, LLC
I came upon Crossinology Brain Integration Technique when I was seeking help for my son. With a background in education I knew early-on that he was one of those kids, just like many of my past students, in which there was no explanation as to why he was not able to complete an assignment, spell […]
In The Clear Integration LLC
In The Clear Integration LLC uses Crossinology Brain Integration Treatment (BIT). It has been shown to permanently improve: *ADD * ADHD * Dyslexia *other specific learning difficulties *memory and concentration *balance and coordination *?planning and multi-tasking ~All traditional healing systems are founded on the principle that in order to heal the body, a person must […]
Northern Arizona Brain Integration, LLC
Certified Teacher and Brain Integration Practitioner Few things in life bring the sense of joy and accomplishment that comes with teaching. Fortunately, I’m good at it too. Bowling and singing, not so much..but teaching, yes. I can confidently say I am a good teacher. During the time that I was a classroom teacher, pretty much […]