Looking for a Certified Crossinology® Practitioner?
Certified Crossinology Practitioners are a select group of compassionate practitioners who have graduated from The Crossinology Institute. They have completed rigorous training in the Crossinology Brain Integration Technique which required training courses as well as hands-on practice implementing the technique.
Brad Freeman
New Dawn Therapy utilizes the Brain IntegrationåÊ technique known as Crossinology to pinpoint stress in the brain and relieve these individual stress patterns. These patterns are often found in those diagnosed with A.D.D. A.D.H.D. Dyslexia R.A.D. P.T.S.D. Utilizing Applied Physiology and Acupressure to maximize and optimize the function of the brain, this gentle and non-invasive […]
Brain Integration
Here what Brain Integration can do for you.: If you are STUDENT Brain integration can help you with these difficulties: Concentrating, organization, and/or budgeting time. Spelling (putting letters together until it ‘sounds’ like the word). Poor in mathematics (concepts as well as times tables). Poor reading comprehension (despite being a fast or fluent reader). Understanding […]
Agni Ayurveda
Emily Glaser RN, BSN, C.Ay, LMT Emily Glaser was born in Santa Fe and went to school at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque for her Bachelor of Science degree in nursing with a specialization in Neuroscience and Hospice . Interested in world medicine she worked internationally in China and Nepal with Global Volunteer […]
Emily Glaser, RN, BSN
Brain Integration Technique corrects the mis-routing and improper timing of information being sent to the brain and clears blocks in specific pathways between right and left hemispheres. This technique offers a life changing, consciousness-raising experience that results in improved creativity, greater learning ability, enhanced behavioral attitudes and better physical coordination. Grades, behavior, attention span, work […]
Christy Griffith, OTR
Brain Function Matters, LLC
Theresa has a diverse background, having worked nearly 20 years as a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA-AAMA) in medical offices, followed by teaching both adults and youth before finding Crossinologyå¨ Brain Integration Technique (BIT).åÊ It was in these earlier occupations that she was first truly exposed to people dealing with learning challenges.åÊ A pediatric medical practice […]
Lori Hamilton
Kelsha Wellness
“Kelsha works with individuals and families to improve their life experiences through self-love mending. She specializes in attachment and bonding issues associated with adoptions and unplanned pregnancies. Kelsha has been trained by some of the leading experts in the field of personal and self-growth, including Martha Beck, Lissa Rankin MD, Matthew Thie and Susan McCrosssin. […]
Integral Brain Health
In The Clear Integration LLC
In The Clear Integration LLC uses Crossinology Brain Integration Treatment (BIT). It has been shown to permanently improve: *ADD * ADHD * Dyslexia *other specific learning difficulties *memory and concentration *balance and coordination *?planning and multi-tasking ~All traditional healing systems are founded on the principle that in order to heal the body, a person must […]
Holly Holman Calmus
Jahn & Associates
Certified Crossinologyå¨ Practitioner Kirstin is a Certified Crossinologyå¨ Practitioner in the areas of: Brain Integration Technique Muscle Reactivation and Advanced Brain Integration. Kirstin is also a Crossinologyå¨ Advisory Board Member.
Annette Jensen
Brain Correct
Larry was an Arizona English and Drama high school teacher. Over a span of two years, Larry had three accidents all causing brain trauma. After one of the accidents, they kept him in the ER for several hours. He couldnÛªt see out of his left eye and his whole left side was numb. During his […]