Generalist or Specialist – which way to go? When we’re at school we’re expected to be generalists. Every subject must be mastered and teachers put a lot of pressure on children and their parents in an attempt to make this somehow happen. Then we leave school and suddenly we become specialists in some particular field […]
Do You Feel Like Your Brain Just Isn’t Working Right?
Do You Feel Like Your Brain Just Isn’t Working Right? My clinical experience indicates that an individual’s behavior reflects the degree of access and integration of his/her brain functions. To a large degree, whether the functions are accessed—or not accessed—determines how a person behaves. Your behavior tells us the truth about how your brain functions. […]
Case Study: Special Education Classes Become a Thing of the Past
Case Study: Special Education Classes Become a Thing of the Past Perhaps nowhere are the results of the Crossinology® Brain Integration Technique more pronounced than in the case of students who, after treatment, no longer need to be placed in special-education classes. The following story about Walt illustrates the impact of such a shift. When […]
Managing Summer Stressors: A Message to Moms with ADHD
Written by Dr. Sari Solden and Dr. Michele Frank on July 20, 2015 Do you remember the joy you felt as a child on the last day of school before summer vacation? The excitement, relief, and sense of accomplishment? It would be nice to feel so carefree again, wouldn’t it? But all parents know that […]
Looking For Answers
Have you been questioning how to address your child’s learning disorder? Parent’s guide to natural treatments Published at October 18. 2004 By Karen Raterman By age 3 1/2, Casey Gangwish was astounding his mother with his grasp of scientific concepts like buoyancy, water displacement and kinetic energy. It wasn’t until he started preschool that […]
Is Lack of Coordination a Symptom of a Learning Disability?
Even before children can talk, their actions can speak loudly about the degree of efficiency or inefficiency in their brain processing. Consider babies who never crawl or who develop “butt-scooting” methods of locomotion by their first birthday. What we know about the two halves of the brain, right and left, is that they control the […]
What Are the Signs of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)?
What Are the Signs of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)? Did you know that attention deficit disorder (ADD) is the most frequently observed learning disability. When you (or someone you love) can perform one task easily, but cannot perform a series of sequential tasks, it may be indicative of ADD. You may not be able to […]
Searching for a drug-free alternative to treating ADD, ADHD and dyslexia?
Searching for a drug-free alternative to treating ADD, ADHD and dyslexia? Thanks to guest blogger, Mike Gismondi, LPC, Licensed Psychotherapist American families are witnessing a crisis in the way some children are experiencing school and struggling with taking their place in adult society. Regardless of what we call the problem—ADD, ADHD, hyperactivity, dyslexia, conduct disorders, […]