Julissa Byington
Shift Brain Integration
Tracy Del Duca
Get Balanced
Elite Brain Integration
Integral Brain Health
Beyond Brain Integration LLC
During my twenty plus years of teaching I sought strategies that would reach students who struggled to learn.åÊ While I found some strategies helpful, none are as effective as Crossinology Brain Integration Technique (BIT). BIT can make learning easier by opening blocked pathways in the brain. It is also perhaps the most efficient way to […]
Jennifer Burnidge
Brain Function Matters, LLC
Theresa has a diverse background, having worked nearly 20 years as a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA-AAMA) in medical offices, followed by teaching both adults and youth before finding Crossinologyå¨ Brain Integration Technique (BIT).åÊ It was in these earlier occupations that she was first truly exposed to people dealing with learning challenges.åÊ A pediatric medical practice […]